Delahey: Dismay at bus shelter damage by vandals

Vandals have smashed at least 25 glass bus shelters in Delahey and surrounding suburbs in the past fortnight.

Delahey Action Group president David Anderson said he had reported damage to 25 bus shelters in Delahey, Taylors Hill and Kings Park in the past two weeks, including multiples in Copperfield Drive, Taylors Road, Hume Drive and Overton Lea Boulevard.

“It really inconveniences public transport users, particularly the elderly,” Mr Anderson said.

“In most cases, the glass is all over the seat … they can’t sit down, and they’re being lashed by the wind and rain. It’s totally disgusting.”

A statement from outdoor advertising contractor Adshel said the company was “disappointed” by the spate of vandalism.

“We’re committed to providing a safe and clean environment in our shelters and take instances of broken glass very seriously.

‘‘Once reported, we make cleaning and replacing broken glass a priority, with the total replacement cost for each panel running into the hundreds of dollars.

‘‘Our commitment to commuter safety means we will always consider this cost worthwhile, but instances of needless, repeated and deliberate destruction are a source of frustration for us and the communities we service.”

To report vandalism to bus shelters, phone 1800 501 402.