Get your groove on

The Western Region Concert Band is looking for percussion, brass and sax players. Rehearsals are on Saturdays, 9am, in the Errington Community Centre, St Albans. Entry is via a side gate next to the football oval. 9687 6644

Dance the night away

The Keilor branch of Parents Without Partners hosts its monthly over-35s dance on Friday, August 15, at the I.C.K.A. Club, 7 Keilor Park Drive, East Keilor. Doors open 7.30pm. Entry is $5 and music is provided by popular DJ Charlie. Strict dress code means no T-shirts, jeans or sneakers.

■ 8361 0354

Ladies only

A ladies-only night on Saturday, August 9, will raise money for the Cancer Centre at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Tickets are $100 each for tables of seven to 10. There’ll be a three-course meal, wine, beer and soft drinks, and plenty of music and dancing.

Be proactive

If you’re semi-retired or a senior resident of Hillside, Sydenham and Keilor seeking social interaction and club activities, drop into the Taylors Lakes Probus Club monthly meetings. They’re at the Taylors Lakes Hotel between 10am and noon on the last Monday of each month. or 8307 2038

Get crafty

Join this social group for crafty people and chat over a cup of coffee on the first Thursday of each month at Sydenham library, Taylors Lakes, from 11.30am.

■ 9249 4680

Calling all filmmakers

Entries for the third annual Sunshine Short Film Festival are now open. Budding filmmakers are encouraged to submit their films, which must run under five minutes and revolve around the themes ‘Sunshine’ and ‘Halloween’. Prizes up to $5000 are on offer, as is the chance to have your film screened at Village Sunshine Megaplex. Entries close September 30.

Green thumbs welcome

Keilor Garden Club meets on the last Friday of the month at Keilor Primary School, Kennedy Street, Keilor, at 8pm.

■ 0405 494 569 or