STATE: Smoking banned in outdoor dining areas

Smoking in outdoor dining areas is set to be banned by the Napthine government as part of an extension on places people cannot smoke.

The government is expected to announce the ban on Monday morning, Channel 7 reported on Sunday. It is understood the decision is only “in-principle”.

The government will consult with groups such as Quit as well as the hospitality industry about how the ban will work. The impact on industry will also be discussed.

Other states’ experience of a ban on smoking in outdoor areas will be examined.

The decision is being made on the back of community support, in particular protecting children from smoke.

Legislation banning smoking around entrances to childcare centres, schools, preschools, indoor play areas, public hospitals, registered community health centres and some government buildings is also due to enter the parliament in the coming weeks.

That legislation will also quadruple the penalty for retailers in possession of illicit tobacco. Parliament resumes on Tuesday after a five-week winter break.