Level-crossing relief for St Albans

Work on getting rid of the notorious
St Albans level crossing will begin by the end of this year.

State Planning Minister Matthew Guy last week announced plans to fast-track the $200 million project, with works starting at the end of this year and finishing in 2017.

The state government committed to scrapping the level crossing in April, citing a start date of 2015, but Mr Guy said it was vital to remove what had become one of the state’s most dangerous level crossings as soon as possible.

Mr Guy said removal of the busy St Albans level crossing was key to improving safety and increasing rail services for a growing population.

“Many serious injuries and two fatalities have occurred at the level crossing in recent years,” he said.

“It was therefore vital to fast-track the approval process in order to allow work to begin.

“The City of Brimbank is predicted to grow by nearly 30,000 over the next 30 years. This means more people travelling to local schools, Victoria University and the health precinct at Sunshine Hospital.”

A previous

Star Weekly report mentioned that under the plan, the rail line will be lowered and a new “premium” station built under Main Road.

The station’s car park will be moved, with a new bus interchange and pedestrian overpass constructed to replace an existing crossing at Ruth Street.

Asip Demiri, of the St Albans Business Association, said he was keen to see construction start as soon as possible.

Charlene Macaulay