Brimbank commuters outraged over bus timetable changes

Brimbank commuters have accused Public Transport Victoria (PTV) of failing to properly consult about major bus timetable changes that take effect later this month.

The changes are part of moves to add 2670 new bus services across Melbourne from July 27.

But Kings Park’s John Mills, who lives in Braeswood Road, says the new routes will add an hour to his trip to Watergardens.

“We fought hard to [try to] get a bus to service Kings Park and Delahey going through our road,” Mr Mills said.

“The changed routes mean people east of Copperfield Drive have no direct access to St Albans or Watergardens.”

He said the nearest bus service would be an 800-metre walk from his home.

“When you have shopping, it’s a big ask to walk that distance,” he said. “It’s an ageing community and a lot of people with limited English live in the area.

‘‘I rode the bus four times during the school holidays and spoke to people about the changes, and they hadn’t heard about them.”

Kororoit Labor MP Marlene Kairouz said she had received many complaints about PTV’s decision to scrap the 451 bus service, which went from Brimbank shopping centre to Sunshine railway station via Deer Park.

“The Napthine government should reverse PTV’s substandard and infinitely more complicated service plan and reinstate the 451 bus route from Deer Park,” Ms Kairouz said.

PTV spokeswoman Andrea Duckworth said Brimbank residents would benefit from an extra 310 services each week.

She said most residents would have at least one bus service about 400 to 600 metres from their home.

Ms Duckworth said three community consultation sessions were held in November last year.