St Albans: Winds cause pool work delay

By Charlene Macaulay

An indoor pool at St Albans Leisure Centre will reopen at the end of this month after wild weather held up maintenance works.

Brimbank council community well-being director Neil Whiteside said strong winds and rain had prolonged works on the pool’s roof, previously expected to be finished early this month. Management plans to reopen the pool by the end of July, weather permitting.

More than 750 swimming students will miss out on the first week of term three classes.

Credits will be issued to families who paid their fees in advance, while all other fees will be amended to remove the first week’s charge.

The centre’s indoor pool, spa and sauna have been closed since the end of May.

About 180 members opted to suspend their memberships during the works.

Mr Whiteside said these suspensions would remain in place until the pool reopened, unless otherwise requested by members.

Members who have chosen to continue using the centre during the works will receive a discount until the pool reopens.

Mr Whiteside said the centre had contacted members to inform them of the delay. “We understand the temporary closure of the indoor pool is an inconvenience for all centre users,” he said.

“We ask that pool users bear with us as these works are completed to ensure the ongoing function and safety of this important community facility.”