Ardeer: Victorian Sumo Association bid rings in change

The Victorian Sumo Association has urged the community to throw its weight behind plans to build the state’s first competitive clay ring in Ardeer.

Association founder and community radio DJ Joe Zappia says the group is planning several fund-raising events.

It hopes to open the ring, slated for a site behind the community market on Ballarat Road, by the end of the year, in time for the next state competition.

“We want to finish it as soon as possible as we’re meant to have the next Victorian state championships here,” he says.

Zappia says the ring is part of larger plans to create a local attraction, including a tug-of-war area.

He says the association – which has almost 20 members, including children aged from nine to 16 – was started to help people battling weight issues.

“We wanted to give them something to get off their butts and get a bit fitter. I’m overweight, so I looked up sumo wrestling,” Zappia said.

“I thought, wow, what a sport it would be for kids.’’

Members currently compete inside a horseshoe-shaped area, made from soil and rock, in long grass. Zappia estimates it will cost at least $30,000 to make the association’s dream a reality.

“It will be an original sumo ring from way back,” Zappia says proudly, although he’s reluctant to go cap in hand to any level of government for cash.

“It’s a community thing. If you do it you shouldn’t be chasing money from the government. That’s our downfall at the moment, not enough people put enough time into their kids, who are getting fatter and fatter playing computers.”

But isn’t having a bit of size the key to sumo wrestling?

“No, you don’t [need it]. The 260kg ones [in Japan], that’s fine, but we’re not talking about them getting to that weight, we’re just getting them off their chairs and getting them fit.”

Members, who train in a gym in Westwood Drive, include star recruit Chico Pemberton, a 165kg Cook Islander living in Derrimut who is training to compete in Taiwan.

For more details on the association, or to donate, phone 0421 675 150.