Hillside: Businesswoman says new bus stop not a good sign

A Hillside businesswoman fears Public Transport Victoria will create safety issues with a plan to install a bus stop outside her home.

PTV notified Sabrina Moore on June 11 of plans to install two bus stops in Langmore Drive within four to six weeks in what she calls an “already congested neighbourhood”.

With the street being a ‘funnel’ to the Calder Freeway via Calder Park Drive, Mrs Moore said she believed adding bus services could cause problems for families.

“We run our business from home and need the access for people visiting,” she said.

“Our team members park their vehicles at our house. We have a front driveway, but access is limited as we have two large vehicles.

“It’s a narrow street and PTV has indicated there will be two bus stops directly across the road from one another.

“I don’t want to face conflict with my neighbours by parking both our vehicles and visiting vehicles out the front of their property.”

She said PTV had failed to give local residents a chance to object to the plan and only one other neighbour had been notified. A vacant block of land 100 metres down the road was a far more suitable place for a bus stop, she said, and residents had no concerns about walking 200 metres to an existing bus route.

A spokesman said that under the Road Management Act, PTV notified all residents in writing about the plans to install a bus stop outside their property, with a feedback period available for residents.

He said PTV was aware of the concerns raised and had reassessed the bus stop location. PTV had responded to Mrs Moore, advising the outcome of its review, which found this location would benefit many local residents.

Bus stops along route 476 had been evenly spaced so residents could access the bus service within a reasonable walking distance, with stops spaced about 400 metres apart.