Ravenhall: Karen Gatt offers new line of defence

Karen Gatt has been helping people fight their weight loss battles for 15 years. Now she’s packing a bigger punch by opening her own weight-loss club.

The 42-year-old Melton resident will open her Clothesline Diet Club in Ravenhall this September, combining her existing support group with circuit classes, boot camps and one-on-one consultations.

Ms Gatt lost 67 kilograms in 1999, some of it by walking around the clothesline in her backyard because she was too embarrassed to be seen exercising in public. Since then, she has helped others across Australia and America with their weight-loss battles, written four books and even met TV host Oprah Winfrey.

“What I’m doing is building something I wish I’d had when I was 140 kilograms,” Ms Gatt said.

“It’s somewhere people can go without feeling intimidated, without feeling embarrassed, and just knowing that the person beside you has the same problem. It will be a real weight-loss club for people with real weight issues. … I know what it feels like.”

An information session will be held at Sassella Park on June 30 from 7pm.