Brimbank council’s budget ‘unkind to pensioners’

Pensioners will find little to be happy about in Brimbank council’s draft budget, according to one of six submissions seen by Star Weekly.

Keilor Residents and Ratepayers Association secretary Kelvin Bennett said it was disappointing there was no increase in the pensioner rebate considering what he called an “unsustainable” 8.2 per cent rise in staff costs.

Mr Bennett called on the council to provide the option of paying rates in monthly or quarterly instalments or to offer discounts for paying annually in advance.

Another submission accused the council of not encouraging enough residents to get active.

Keilor Downs resident Phillip Reynolds said a lack of funding for walking and bike infrastructure was disappointing, calculating the budget spent 75 cents per person compared to $86 per person on roads.

He also said it was a shame no money was spent to extend local library hours, or install a second public toilet after one was demolished outside Joseph Brown Reserve.

Submissions on the draft budget closed on June 18 and residents who requested to speak in support of their written submissions were due to be heard by a hearing committee at Sunshine council chamber on Tuesday, June 24.

Councillors will vote on the draft budget on July 8.