BELGRAVE: Tree pins woman, 67, in her bed

A woman is lucky to be alive after a tree crashed through her roof and pinned her in bed in Belgrave.

The 67-year-old was trapped in bed for more than two hours when a gumtree limb smashed through the roof of her house in Old Reservoir Road, Belgrave, about 4am, a Country Fire Authority spokesman said.

The woman was able to reach a mobile phone to call emergency services, and the CFA, Ambulance Victoria and the SES rushed to free her.

Ambulance Victoria paramedic team manager David Gray said it was a major operation.

“Working together with other emergency services they’ve managed to gain access to the patient, but it did take quite a considerable time, approximately two and a half hours to extricate her,” he said.

“She’s a very lucky lady; just a few inches one way and it could have landed on her head and it would have been a disastrous outcome.”

She was taken to The Alfred hospital in a stable condition, with injuries to her leg and hip.