
Man ‘in pool of blood’ identified

A body found propped up against a tree near a cemetery in East Keilor has been identified as Dandenong man Michael Andrew Strike. Detectives have released an image of the 38-year-old as they try to piece together his movements in the days before his death. Mr Strike was found on Thor Court by a person visiting the Keilor Cemetery about 11.30am on Sunday, May 25. Last week, Superintendent Glenn Weir, of North West Metro, said the man, now identified as Mr Strike, was found in a pool of blood while leaning against a tree about three metres from a busy footpath. “The male had suffered significant trauma injuries to the head, and there was a large amount of blood on and around the body,” he said. Mr Strike was found shirtless, but was otherwise clothed. Superintendent Weir said it was a very “odd” situation, based on the location of the crime scene. “We have a busy arterial road here, a cemetery on one side and an industrial area on the other,” he said. Anyone with information about Mr Strike’s movements between noon, Saturday, May 24, and when his body was found can phone Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or www.crimestoppers.com.au.

Boral on notice for landfill smell

Boral’s Ravenhall landfill has attracted a pollution abatement notice from the Environment Protection Authority for odours related to several gas wells. An EPA compliance inspection has found “odour and gas issues”. Boral is required to reduce landfill gas emissions by reinstating, replacing or repairing landfill

gas transmission pipework and increasing the efficiency of its gas extraction systems. Boral is required to comply with the notice requirements by June 19. The company could be fined up to $300,000 for failing to comply with the notice, with additional penalties of $150,000 for each day the offence continues

Police seek attack group

Police are appealing for public help following an armed robbery in Keilor East this month. The victim and five friends, who

Star Weekly understands are all local to the area, had been at a party on Keilor Park Drive for a friend’s 18th birthday on Saturday, May 17. The group of six high school students left the party about 11.30pm and made their way along the walking track beside the Old Calder Highway, heading towards Keilor Village. On its walk, the group was approached by a larger group of about 15 males who targeted one and chased away the others. Police say a man held a knife to the 17-year-old victim’s throat and demanded his belongings. Other offenders emptied his pockets. During the ordeal, a bottle was smashed over the victim’s head, causing bruises and grazes. He broke free and ran from the scene before calling police. The main offender is described as of Pacific Islander or Asian appearance, with olive skin, dark-coloured eyes, black short hair, fine moustache and aged about 17 to 20. The other men involved in the incident are described as Asian or Islander in appearance. Information to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or www.crimestoppers.com.au