DALLAS: Car explosion, man seriously injured | Gallery

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UPDATE: A car explosion in Dallas that seriously injured one man and shut down a suburban street while the bomb squad scoured the area, is being treated as suspicious.

A 29-year-old man is undergoing surgery after his Ford Mondeo exploded in his Kiewa Crescent driveway in Dallas about 9am on Thursday.

The car exploded shortly after he had started the ignition, according to reports.

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Paramedics treated the man at the scene for serious leg injuries before he was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital, an Ambulance Victoria spokesman said.

The area was declared a crime scene and the explosives squad is investigating the blast.

Senior Sergeant Rod Luke earlier said  the bomb squad would have to clear the property before the explosives squad could investigate the blast.

“It’s a bit early to determine exactly what happened,” he told 3AW.

“We’re waiting for the bomb response unit to attend to make sure it’s still safe for any secondary devices or unexploded items that may be present.”

Residents were evacuated while bomb squad investigators cleared the scene.

Speaking to Radio station ABC 774 after the scene had been cleared senior Sergeant Cam Reinke said police were still investigating but the explosion “does appear suspicious”.

Did you hear or feel the explosion? Have any pictures? Post a comment below or email webteam@mmpgroup.com.au