Sunshine Hospital volunteer Linda Diep wins state award

While most 16-year-olds are preoccupied with their own personal challenges, Linda Diep, at that age, just wanted to help out in her community.

The St Albans resident, now 20, started helping at Sunshine Hospital four years ago.

She spends many hours every week there, speaking to patients, running a library trolley, managing the opportunity shop and offering administration support, all while doing a science degree at RMIT.

Recently, Ms Diep was honoured for her work with a Health Minister’s volunteer award.

She was one of 16 volunteers across the state to receive the honour. “I want to share, from my heart, what I have and what I can do best to help others and assist anyone in need, such as supporting and comforting patients and sharing good moments,” Ms Diep said.

“It also gives me the opportunity to help out and share the happiness among others. I’m always learning more and meeting new people, and it allows me to have great connections in my community it just makes me happy.”

Ms Diep has recruited members of her family, with her parents and brother also volunteering at Sunshine Hospital.

The hospital’s volunteer manager, Jo Spence, said she was thrilled that Ms Diep had been commended for her commitment. “I have wanted to nominate her since she was a very young volunteer because she brought along her brother, who was only 12 at the time … but they’re very humble and didn’t want to draw attention to themselves,” Ms Spence said. “It’s been a bit of a journey to get Linda to allow us [to nominate her]. She’s a very good role model for the community.”

To find out more about volunteering with Western Health, email or phone Michael Burns on 8345 1059.