Love your gut and get on top of digestive health

Melburnians are encouraged to love their gut in the lead up to World Digestive Health Day. 

The public health campaign from the World Gastroenterology Organisation aims to raise awareness about digestive disorders on May 29. 

Yoghurt brand Activia have created the #GutLove hashtag and encourage people to use social media to share health and wellness advice. 

Activia Health and Wellness Ambassador, Tiffiny Hall, will post eating tips, exercise videos and meal ideas to help with digestion.  

“I love the hashtag, it’s not only offering free health tips but encouraging people to love themselves, their bodies and make good choices,” Ms Hall said. 

A survey by Activia found more than half of Australians currently experience digestive discomfort and 72 per cent are emotionally affected by it. 

Ms Hall, a TV personality and trainer, said that digestive health was a big issue. 

“I always say a happy gut is a happy person and feeling fat and bloated can affect your day. It’s not a weight issue, it’s about digestion.”

The survey of 1500 people found that more people put up with digestive discomfort and wait for it to pass rather than combat it with exercise or health foods. 

Ms Hall said she was alarmed by the results because people were living with digestive issues when there are solutions. 

“People don’t realise that you can help it just by tweaking your daily regime.

“Stay away from fatty foods, don’t chew gum, eat slowly and eat foods like probiotic yoghurts which are great for healthy digestion.”

The #GutLove campaign runs until June 15.

For more information, visit