Cairnlea: Council-owned land sells for $6.41 million

A piece of council-owned land in Cairnlea sold for $6.41 million last week despite calls for it to remain in public hands.

The 1.925-hectare site at 93 Furlong Road was bought by a “prominent” local developer.

The Brimbank council said last year it would seek offers and ideas for future use of the land, including whether it could be used for residential, commercial or industrial purposes.

It received five submissions from residents to keep it in council hands.

The former explosives factory site was originally intended for the construction of a civic centre development, which is now to be built at the Sunshine library.

Infrastructure and environment director Paul Younis said the council had received no offers for the land before the announcement last October it would be sold.

Fitzroys real estate agent James Gregson said there was huge interest from local and interstate developers.

“The interest and result highlighted the positive sentiment currently surrounding Melbourne’s west,” he said.

Council Chairman John Watson said the land had been vacant for a long time.

“The purchase and sale of appropriate properties is part of council ensuring it has the right facilities in the right places at the right time to meet the needs of residents,” he said. “Selling land which is surplus… is an important part of council’s long-term financial management of the city.”