St Albans Secondary College: Young leader up to task

Some people are born leaders, others grow into the role.

For Czarina Estores, 16, it’s been a bit of both.

The year 10 St Albans Secondary College student is in Canberra this week after winning an Outward Bound scholarship.

Czarina will spend eight days taking part in a national “aspiring leaders’ summit”, which will include a series of challenges, workshops and community projects designed to build leadership qualities.

Just 30 students from around Australia were invited to take part.

“It was actually pretty rushed – we had one week to do the application and then it was school holidays and I was waiting anxiously [to hear back],” Czarina said. “Then I received the excellent news. I was really surprised.”

Czarina is no stranger to taking on new challenges. She’s a member of her school’s student representative council, is a Beacon leadership program ambassador and raises money for the Soriano-Orodio Foundation, which helps children in the Philippines with their educational and financial needs.

Last year, the Derrimut resident completed a Duke of Edinburgh award program.

“I’ve always liked to take up opportunities, because that will help me,” she said.

“I’m a shy person naturally and leadership programs help build my confidence.”

Czarina cites French, English and sport as her favourite subjects and says she would like to be a lawyer or teacher, or work in the business sector after she graduates.