Litterbugs need to butt out

By Ben Cameron

More than half of all litter reports in Brimbank last summer involved residents discarding lit cigarettes, according to the Environmental Protection Authority.

Brimbank litterbugs attracted the third- highest number of reports (387) during the EPA’s summer campaign, which ran from December 1 to March. This was behind only Hobsons Bay (623) and Melbourne City (514). No less than 59 per cent of reports involved a discarded, lit cigarette.

Reports increased almost 25 per cent on the previous campaign which yielded 314 reports during the 2012-13 summer period.

An EPA spokesperson said the results did not necessarily make Brimbank the “third-dirtiest” council in Victoria, but they showed it had many residents who were litter-conscious.

The EPA’s acting chief executive officer, Katrina McKenzie, said lit butts were mostly thrown from moving vehicles in Brimbank.

“We also learned that people [across the state] predominantly throw litter from their vehicle [84 per cent] as opposed to dropping it to the ground as they get in or out of their vehicle,” she said.

There are hefty penalties for litter bugs, with a $288.72 fine imposed for a small piece of rubbish or unlit cigarette, up to $577.44 for a lit cigarette.

You can report litter by calling the EPA
24-hour pollution hotline on 1300 372 842.