Ryan Burke: Helping is its own reward

It’s fair to say giving back to the community is a foreign concept to the average 20-year-old, especially one still living with mum and dad.

Ryan Burke is the exception to the rule.

The Sunshine resident has been volunteering with Brimbank council since August 2012, running a weekly planned activity group for elderly people who still live at home.

Every Friday, buses and taxis bring clients to Sassella Park in Deer Park for a day of activities including trivia, bingo and lunch.

Mr Burke also volunteers at most council festivals and events, juggling his volunteering duties with a chef’s apprenticeship.

“At the time, I didn’t have a job, and I was just looking for something extra to fill my time up with,” he said.

“I stumbled upon a website that forwarded me onto Brimbank [council] … it had a bunch of options and I liked the sound of planned activity groups with the elderly.

“I’m yet to find someone who doesn’t get that feel-good moment when they’ve helped someone.

‘‘The fact that you’re doing it purely out of the goodness of your heart, and you’re there of your own will, it really does make you feel good.’’

Mr Burke is one of 365 active council volunteers, ranging from 17 to 87 years.

The council will hold four information sessions as part of National Volunteer Week (May 12-18).

For more details, phone 9249 4000 or
visit bit.ly/1osqd5k

Charlene Macaulay