NPL: Injuries hurting hard-working Melbourne Knights

A winless month may not look good on paper, but it’s far from panic stations at the Melbourne Knights.

After starting the National Premier League season with back-to-back victories, the Knights have been cruelled by injuries.

They have lost a number of key players for the season, including perennial goal-scorer Jacob Colosimo.

Arguably, as a result, the club has also lost five games in a row.

Knights head coach Andrew Marth admits it had been frustrating to see key players go down, but he praised his remaining squad.

“It’s disappointing to a certain extent but not with the way we are playing,” he said. “We’re playing exceptionally well but just not putting the ball in the back of the net.

“We had four kids on the bench under the age of 17 for our game last weekend [against South Melbourne].

“I think it shows a lot of character among the boys.

“It’s definitely frustrating at the same time … hopefully things will turn.”

The Knights are looking for a striker to replace Colosimo and the club is hopeful a signing isn’t too far away.

Marth credited the efforts of his leaders in helping keep the squad together during a difficult time.

“I really look to the leaders and the captain, Ben Surey, has been great,” he said. “We have a couple of other really experienced players who are doing a great job, too. Their heads are still up and they’re really working hard.”

In the next three weeks, Melbourne plays Oakleigh, Heidelberg and Port Melbourne.

“I am sure the tide will turn for us,” Marth said.