Study looks into support available to new mums in the west

It’s difficult being a first-time mum, but it’s even more difficult when you’re juggling both your new bundle of joy and postnatal depression.

Victoria University’s Dr Carolyn Deans and colleagues are investigating the support available to new mums in Melbourne’s west.

Mums with a baby under 12 months of age who live in Brimbank, Wyndham and Melton may be eligible to take part in the study, which will focus on postnatal depression.

“Postnatal depression interferes with a mother’s ability to enjoy – and give joy – to her baby in the important period after birth,” Dr Deans said. “It can also affect a mum’s ability to get the support she needs to make the transition to being a mother.”

She said there were not many treatment options available to mums struggling to cope, especially in the west.

Half of the women in the study will be given access to free sessions of group therapy for depression in their local area. Free childcare will be provided while they attend.

Dr Deans, a clinical psychologist, said up to 10 per cent of mums suffer from variations of postnatal depression.

“What we’re doing is having a look at the treatment options that are available for new mums when they have postnatal depression.

“What we’re interested in is how mums get help for the depression, and also their relationship with their baby during that time.”

This research study does not replace treatment or care; rather, it looks at the options women in western Melbourne have when they have postnatal difficulties and the impact of those options for support on their lives.

“It is being run in co-operation with maternal and child health nurses, focusing on the options for referral that nurses commonly use.”

The project findings will be reported back to government.

For more information about the trial, call Dr Deans on 9919 2334 or visit the website