MELBOURNE: Mums help in world-first breastfeeding app

New mothers in Melbourne have taken part in a world-first trial using technology to aid breastfeeding.

Melbourne-based technology company Small World Social teamed up with the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) to develop an application for mothers that runs on Google Glass.

Five new mothers from across Melbourne took part in the trial of the Google Glass for Breastfeeding app using technology and the knowledge of 15 ABA counsellors to help them breastfeed.

Google Glass is a wearable computer in the form of reading glasses with an optical-mounted display that uses touch (located on the side of the glasses) and voice-activation control.

The mothers accessed a range of information about breastfeeding using the app and, if they were having issues, could call a counsellor and speak to them “screen to screen”.

Emma Crowder, new mother to baby Chloe, took part in the trial after learning other family members had experienced breastfeeding difficulties.

“I knew I wanted to breastfeed, but my mum and one of my sisters had struggled,” she said.

“So I was trying to arm myself with as much information as possible before going into early motherhood.”

With a background in information technology, Ms Crowder said her love of technology was also one of the reasons she took part in the trial.

She used Google Glass’ built-in camera while breastfeeding, which allowed a counsellor from the ABA to help improve her technique.

“When I left the hospital I thought everything was going great, but Chloe wasn’t putting on weight,” she said.

“Being able to contact the ABA and show the counsellors what I was doing made us realise Chloe wasn’t latching on properly.”

Small World Social project leader Madeline Sands said all five mothers were able to breastfeed their baby successfully after using the technology.

“The trial has been fantastic,” Ms Sands said. “We’ve started to talk with the counsellors to see what’s the best way to roll the technology out to more new mums.”
