WELL-BEING: Nuts over markets

The food choices we make are a direct reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Seeking wholesome fresh produce is the first step of self-love and respect. It is a necessity in order to function optimally. For me, this begins at weekend markets.

One of my favourite weekend activities is visiting local markets and farmers’ markets. I find the presence of fresh fruit and vegetables very calming, almost grounding.

It’s partly the stunning colours: rich-red organic tomatoes juxtaposed with the jade- and golden-coloured zucchinis, leafy greens as far as the eye can see, dark crimson plums. My mouth is watering as I write.

You see, I am passionate about local produce. Purchases from farmers’ markets support small businesses and families. Conversing with knowledgeable traders at markets opens doors to an entire world of food production. Do you know where your food is from? Has it been loved in the farming and agricultural processes?

The wholesomeness of markets utterly inspires me. Many individuals write shopping lists and rarely drift. Not I. I look forward to seeing the “in season” produce and then contemplating what I’ll cook the following week.

Everything starts with the vegetables, the true heroes of any dish.

On a recent market outing I was excited by the array of mushrooms – brown button mushrooms, white and blushing oyster mushrooms, multi-sized oysters and wild enoki varieties.

This is where the inspiration began. Mushrooms are suitable as a breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack option. Pan fry in coconut oil with purple garlic, then serve with spinach, avocado and poached eggs for a king’s breakfast.

Toss mushrooms in miso paste, then grill with eggplant and zucchini to stir through wild-caught salmon for lunch. One of my current favourites is braised mushrooms in quinoa sushi with turmeric prawns, the perfect antioxidant booster as the weather cools down.

If that wasn’t already enticing, how about Portobello mushrooms as the burger bun for a light dinner served with sweet potato and beetroot chips?

Baked mushrooms topped with cottage or ricotta cheese are a perfect protein dose pre-gym.

Yes, mushrooms are the ideal vegetarian meal. Meat for every dinner is too much; be inspired by the variety and options.

The inspiration continues as one considers other meal accompaniments. For me this is nuts and seeds. They are a power package of beneficial nutrients. Macadamia nuts, almonds, pecans, linseeds, chia, hemp and sesame seeds are a delight as a meal topper or served with kefir and poached berries for breakfast.

Nuts and seeds contain beneficial fats for heart and brain health and the transport of essential nutrients; protein for sports preparation and recovery; good carbohydrates and fibre for bowel health and energy; and a plethora of vitamins and minerals such as zinc for stamina, metabolism and appetite, hormonal balance and sexual health.

My final tip for market inspiration: make friends with the traders. They will look after you with fresh, ripe and utterly delicious goodies.

» Sharon Brooks is a registered nutritionist and food scientist. www.facebook.com/sharonsnutritionaustralia