POINT COOK: The world says happy birthday

A young cancer patient from Point Cook who captured hearts around the world has received more than 7000 cards for his milestone 10th birthday.

Rafael Moraes has neuroblastoma, a solid tumour cancer of the sympathetic nervous system, and has battled the disease for more than half of his short life.

He was diagnosed in 2008 and, after a few years free of medical intervention, is undergoing regular chemotherapy and other treatments.

Rafael celebrated his March 25 birthday on a school camp with classmates from Westbourne Grammar, where he was presented with a card signed by every student of the school.

The grade 4 student has also been inundated with birthday cards from Canada, America, England, Brazil, Germany and all over Australia.

A card-a-thon, organised by family day- care educator Tierney Randall, went global after Channel 7 and other outlets picked up the Weekly’s original story.

Rafael’s mother, Natasha Moraes, said some of the most moving cards were those hand-drawn by other children.

Rafael, his family and friends spent several days last week opening and counting the cards.

On Friday, Ms Moraes said they had opened about 6060 cards, with many more to go and more arriving every day.

Ms Moraes said the family had been touched by the outpouring of love.

“We expected about 100 cards,” she said. “It has meant so much to Rafael.”

» rafaeldomingosmoraes.blogspot.com.au

» facebook.com/RafaelsWarriors