MELBOURNE: Cyclists pedal for MS help

More than 3000 cyclists set out on a surprisingly cool morning to pedal through Melbourne’s CBD and across the West Gate Bridge on Sunday to raise funds for those suffering from multiple sclerosis.

The colourfully attired participants of the MS Melbourne Cycle were given the choice of riding a 30 or 50-kilometre course, with more than 2000 going the longer distance.

MS Australia spokeswoman Shea Foster said tired cyclists were met with massages, food and live music when they returned to Princes Park about noon, after beginning their journey at 7am.

”Although it was cool in the morning, by the time everyone came back, the sun was out and everyone was so excited and hungry,” she said.

Former premier Steve Bracks, whose sister Judith was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago, was among the riders.

MS Australia is hoping to raise $750,000, which will go towards providing support and services.