BROADMEADOWS: Ford to cut jobs by June

Another 300 jobs will be cut at Ford’s Victorian manufacturing plants by June, as the company continues to reduce its Australian operations.

Ford employees and union representatives were told on Thursday morning that production levels would be trimmed by about one-third by June, triggering another round of job losses at its Broadmeadows and Geelong plants.

“We briefed them on the fact that as we continue to transform our business in Australia that we will continue to match production with demand,” Ford spokesman Wes Sherwood said.

The company said that, as the market continued to shift, Ford remained on track to launch its new Territory and Falcon models later this year, which would be manufactured in Victoria.

“Importantly, we are still committed to our transformation of the business and we are increasing the number of offerings in our showroom and we are refreshing our line-ups,” Mr Sherwood said.

In May last year, Ford announced its plants at Broadmeadows and Geelong will close their doors in October 2016, triggering the loss of 1160 jobs.

More than 1000 employees work at Ford’s Broadmeadows plant, and 840 work at Geelong.

More to come.