Gambling commission rejects Braybrook Hotel’s pokies bid

Disadvantage was the deciding factor in the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation’s ruling on Braybrook Hotel’s application for more poker machines.

Revealing its reasons for knocking back plans for 19 extra gaming machines at the hotel, the VCGLR found the high risk of a negative impact outweighed the likely “moderate economic benefit” to the community.

The VCGLR said issues raised by Maribyrnong council – chiefly Braybrook being among the most disadvantaged Victorian postcodes with an unemployment rate of 15 per cent – heavily influenced the outcome.

Armada Hospitality Group director Adam Sebastiano told the commission the hotel would set aside $100,000 each year for sporting and community groups, including $25,000 in Brimbank.

However, Monash University lecturer Dr Charles Livingstone, who provided evidence at last month’s hearing, said the amount was “not sufficient”.

Armada did not respond to a request for comment.