CANBERRA: Kevin Rudd quits Parliament

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd has broken down while announcing his retirement from politics tonight and said he bore no malice to any one in Parliament. The former prime minister and foreign minister said he would not be continuing beyond this week.

In a speech to the House of Representatives, he said there came a time in every politician’s life when their family said enough was enough.

He broke down as he discussed his family’s plans for the future. Mr Rudd paused several times during his speech to compose himself, though at one stage joked he could use some gin, prompting laughs.

He wished new members of parliament well before finishing with the line: “It really is time for me to zip.”

The house gave him a standing ovation.

Tony Abbott saluted him. “Whether we have been his friends or his foes, or at times both, this is a significant moment in the life of this Parliament, to lose someone who has been one of the big figures in this Parliament and one of the big figures in the public life of this country.”

First elected in 1998, Mr Rudd became prime minister in 2007, defeating John Howard.

But his time as prime minister came to an abrupt end in June 2010 when he was dumped by his party in favour of Julia Gillard.

Mr Rudd reclaimed the job of prime minister in June this year when he defeated Ms Gillard in a party-room showdown. But he went on to lose the September 7 election to Tony Abbott.