Ardeer a buglar magnet, but Brimbank rates down

Ardeer remains among the state’s most burgled postcodes, despite burglary rates in Brimbank being close to a five-year low.

An RACV study shows Brimbank has four suburbs in the top 10 burglary hotspots, with one in 27 Ardeer houses burgled last financial year.

That’s a significant improvement from one in 16 houses in 2011-12.

Brimbank residential burglary rates dropped 18.5 per cent in the past year, from 1839 incidents in 2011-12 to 1498 in 2012-13.

Brimbank’s Inspector Chris Gilbert said police were making inroads.

“Our burglary rates are as low as some figures from about five years ago,” he

“We are confident that even when we get small peaks in isolated periods, the longer-term outlook will see further reductions.”

Inspector Gilbert said a dedicated burglary unit launched a year ago had played a big role.

‘‘One of their key tasks is to focus on recidivist burglars who we believe account for clusters of offences,” he said.

RACV home services general manager Peter Brindley said proactive security from residents and the work of police underpinned the improved figures.


“It’s still a concern but it’s an improvement,” he said.