Caroline Springs residents want train station

DATA that reveals almost a third of Caroline Springs residents
have insufficient access to public transport highlights the desperate
need for a long-promised train station, according to Cambridge, Coburn
and Watts Residents Association secretary Michael Matalewski.

Mr Matalewski said an Auditor-General’s report into transport
infrastructure and services proved the need for a new station. The
report found Hillside, Burnside and Caroline Springs residents were
among the most disadvantaged in Melbourne.

“It’s a necessity,” Mr Matalewski said. “It’s really quite sad as people are calling out for this service.”

Transport Minister Terry Mulder shelved plans for a Caroline
Springs station after the previous government’s preliminary works began
in late 2010. The government last year bought nearby land and said
environmental approvals for a station were in place. The Transport
Department has prepared a detailed station design.

A Public Transport Victoria spokeswoman said it was reviewing bus services in Caroline Springs and Hillside.

“We are also developing a plan for Melbourne’s tram and bus
networks that will provide a blueprint for the future of these public
transport networks,” she said.