WRFL halts offensive Facebook ‘posts’

THE Western Region Football League is following the lead of the Riddell and Essendon  leagues in trying to get a social network page with offensive posts closed down.

Officials from the two leagues  say they have been made aware of Facebook pages that include offensive comments, including racist remarks, about other players and teams.

Last week, the Weekly was alerted to a similar page ‘WRFL memes’,  which also contained offensive comments, many written by young players using the league’s logo.

When first contacted by this paper, league chief executive Bob Tregear said he was unaware the page existed.

Since then, the league has written to Facebook to have the page closed.

“It’s as far as we can go,’’ Mr Tregear said. 

‘‘We have rules in regards to these sorts of pages, which we will look at if we have to.  It’s very unsavoury and not the type of thing we want going around.”

The Riddell league wrote to all clubs last week, saying players could be suspended for posting on such pages.

Two of the pages, “Shit RDFL players don’t say” and “Shit Romsey players don’t say” were shut after complaints to Facebook. 

Officials were still trying to have “Shit EDFL  players never say” and “EDFL memes” closed.

Essendon league general manager Marc Turri said clubs would be contacted about players and officials posting on the sites.

“If players or officials are found to bring the game into disrepute [they] can be sanctioned, which includes suspension,” he said.

“We’re looking at having [the pages] shut down as they misrepresent the league and have no purpose.”