Brimbank council better than average, says survey

BRIMBANK council has improved its overall performance but needs to focus on 19 specific services, according to the latest community satisfaction survey.

In a JWS Research report presented last week, the council was advised to pay particular attention to services like the maintenance of streets and footpaths, traffic management, the appearance of public areas and planning for population growth.

But the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) survey showed Brimbank scored above the state average for customer service and council direction.  

The greatest improvement on its 2012 results came in the enforcement of local laws.

Brimbank chairman John Watson said the figures showed the council was “on track”, with its five key performance results equal to, or higher than, the state and outer-metro averages. “The numbers are very pleasing indeed, against both the benchmark averages and also when compared to the 2012 DPCD survey,” he said.

“But this is more than just a performance report.  The survey also confirms the matters that are most important to the community.”

The survey, which involved 400 residents between February 1 and   March 24, found the importance of 19 individual services was rated higher than the council’s performance of them. It also found residents aged 50-64 had the least favourable opinions of the council. Men from 18-49 had the most favourable opinions.

“Although the overall results are pleasing, they are not an indication we can sit on our hands,’’ Mr Watson said. ‘‘Good results do not warrant complacency; they provide an incentive for better results next year.

“We know, for example, that emergency and disaster management and elderly support services are the two most important service areas in the opinion of the community.”

The report is available at