Deer Park footballers unite against thuggery 

A LEGENDARY coach of the past may have demanded his players to “don’t think, do!” But this weekend Deer Park footballers and their supporters will get a different set of instructions: Step back and think.

Deer Park Football Club players will tie their boots with orange laces for Saturday’s round of the Western Region Football League in support of Step Back Think, an initiative aimed at reducing street violence.

Under-11s assistant coach Frank Politi knows a thing or two about it. 

His nephew David Cassai, 22, a keen football and soccer player, died after being king-hit on New Year’s Eve in 2012. 

Politi hopes David’s mother will speak to his young charges before they run out against Newport at John McLeod Oval, where orange balloons will be released for a game dedicated to David’s memory. 

“I hope this will raise awareness of what a single punch can do,’’ Politi said. 

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