Love, laughter couple’s ‘glue’

JOY Carver has always believed that laughter is the most important ingredient for a happy life.

The Albion resident, who celebrated her 60th wedding anniversary with husband Terry earlier this month, says they’ve yet to have a proper argument.

The couple met at Mrs Carver’s cousin’s 21st birthday party and were married eight months later.

‘‘He has always made me laugh since the moment I met him; he still does every day,’’ Mrs Carver says with a chuckle.

‘‘He’s a very placid, positive man and even if I tried to start an argument he laughs or smiles and before I know it I am, too.’’

Mrs Carver says the secret to a long-lasting marriage is looking on the bright side of life and treasuring those closest to you. ‘‘Family has always been very important to us,’’ she says. ‘‘We’ve always had a mutual respect for one another and if one of us was feeling a certain way, we would always communicate it with the other. Never go to bed being upset or angry with your partner and always maintain your sense of humour.’’

Mr Carver says the way to a man’s heart is indeed through his stomach.

‘‘She’s is a wonderful cook,’’ he affirms. ‘‘But, more importantly, she’s just a beautiful lady and if I had to do it all again I would do it exactly the same way. I wouldn’t change a thing.’’

For the past 20 years the couple have regularly travelled to the city to volunteer with the Ileostomy Association of Victoria, helping survivors of bowel cancer.

‘‘Our whole lives we have done virtually everything together,’’ Mr Carver says. ‘‘It’s so important to find things you both love. We enjoy life together.’’

The couple celebrated their diamond anniversary on April 18 with a lunch surrounded by their two children, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.