Let’s hear your vision of a new Deer Park

DEER Park commuters will be asked to take time out on Thursday to imagine the suburb’s future.

Copies of Brimbank Council’s draft study into redevelopment opportunities for the railway precinct and Station Road will be available from a stand outside the station.

The new study considers Deer Park’s location, constraints and opportunities.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Post a comment below.

“Deer Park is strategically located on the doorstep of Melbourne’s fastest-growing region — the Melton and Wyndham growth corridors,” council chairman John Watson said.

“It is well connected to a range of transport options. The study area has underdeveloped land and potential for substantial urban renewal.”

Mr Watson said this included the development of Deer Park Village shopping centre and significant industrial, commercial and residential locations.

“The study identifies medium and long-term redevelopment opportunities that will enhance the railway station environment, identify housing and business opportunities and improve linkages with the Deer Park activity centre on Ballarat Road,” Mr Watson said.

He urged residents to submit their ideas and provide feedback about the draft study. Submissions close on March 31.

More details: 9249 4034 or email strategicplanning@brimbank.vic.gov.au