Counterpoint: Horses for courses, but not for mains?

FROM paddock to plate is our preferred free-range fare except, it seems, when the meat on the menu is horse. 

Spare a thought for all those discarded equines hanging around leftover paddocks across Melbourne’s north-west frontiers before you have your say. 

Australia is one of the largest exporters of horse meat in the world (and camel meat, for that matter). 

Horse meat has less fat content and fewer calories than the leanest beef, and reportedly provides 30 per cent more iron and 50 per cent more protein than any ruminating bovine. 

Cattle also add significantly to methane emissions, a major source of greenhouse gases, because their digestive processes require five stomachs. So what’s wrong with our stomachs? Or is it just another case of mind over matter? 

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Post a comment below.