Birds putting pets in peril

PET owners are being warned to keep their animals away from a north-west reserve after reports of waterbirds dying from botulism.

Parks Victoria is urging people to keep their animals away from the Ravenhall Conservation Reserve, near the Metropolitan Remand Centre and Dame Phyllis Frost Centre.

Avian botulism is a naturally occurring disease produced by bacteria found in decaying matter, usually during hot weather.

Parks Victoria said waterbirds would have ingested the toxin by feeding on the food.

Rangers are removing dead birds and will continue to keep an eye on the area.

PV regional manager Chris Hardman said it was upsetting to see any native wildlife affected by disease.

“Our priority is to ensure we don’t have any pet deaths following this incident and ask that neighbours and visitors monitor their pets.”

People are being advised to take any animal showing signs of weakness to a vet.

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