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Tag: level crossing

Crossing campaign pays dividends

A long community campaign to have three level crossings along the Ballarat line removed has paid off. Days before the state election, St Albans MP...

Crossings need to go: council

Brimbank council is calling on the state government to urgently remove three level crossings on the Ballarat line, saying it is just a matter...

Sydenham bridge a blank canvas

The search is on for an artist to help Sydenham’s newest road bridge come to life. Artists are being invited to submit expressions of interest...

Bridge halfway there

The latest stage of the Melton Highway level crossing removal in Sydenham has been unveiled, with traffic running along the southern side of the...

Melton crossing works begin

One of Melbourne’s most grid-locked level crossings is on track for a flyover solution. Melton Highway’s level crossing at Sydenham is one of the worst...

St Albans level crossings to be gone by the end of the year

The revamped St Albans and Ginifer train stations are expected to be operating again by the start of November. With two dangerous level crossings in...

Speeding ambulances held up at Deer Park level crossing, petition reveals

A Deer Park level crossing described as “terrible” by local commuters is holding up ambulances trying to get through to emergencies. In an online, anonymous...

St Albans station to be rebuilt underground

St Albans train station will be rebuilt underground while two dangerous level crossings in the area will be removed by 2017. The state government today...


McKenzie joins Lions

Deer Park has received a late off season boost with former AFL player Trent McKenzie joining the Essendon District Football League premier division club. The...

Crows in trouble