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Tag: knd denture clinic

IN FOCUS: KND Denture brings back your smile

The three prosthetists at KND Denture Clinic – Kathy, Sam and Nick – bring a combined 40-plus years’ experience to their patients and have all the answers to common questions asked by people considering having dentures fitted.

My Business: Denture Clinic puts back your smile

Kathy Danoucaras, a highly skilled prosthetist at KND Denture Clinic, explains that getting new dentures can be likened to breaking in new shoes.

My Business: Where denture care and more is all about family

Gwenda Pearce, nearly 80, has faced a few challenges in the past three years or so, writes Carole Levy. Her husband, Arthur, died from cancer,...


Parkers lose final

Deer Park was out performed on the final day of the Bowls Victoria weekend pennant premier division season, falling short of a third straight...

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