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Tag: immigration

Visa bid takes toll on family

The family of Florence and Sheryil Allen are still awaiting on an outcome in their long-running visa saga, with a second appeal to the...

Visa extension granted

The family of Florence and Sheryil Allen are breathing a brief sigh of relief after they were granted an eight week extension on their...

Visa deadline looms for family

The family of Florence and Sheryil Allen are still holding out hope of a last-minute reprieve in their visa application, with just a week...

Family pleas for compassion

An 80-year-old Taylors Lakes woman and her autistic daughter face the prospect of deportation next month, after their appeal to the Immigration Minister for...

Brimbank a state leader for new Australians

Brimbank will welcome more new citizens at its Australia Day service at Sunshine than any other municipality in the state. And more than a third of...


Parkers lose final

Deer Park was out performed on the final day of the Bowls Victoria weekend pennant premier division season, falling short of a third straight...

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