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Tag: Hard Rubbish

Hard waste collection now a phone call away

Hard waste collection is now just a phone call away. Brimbank council’s new at-call hard waste collection service will begin on July 1. Under the new...

Rubbish pick-up ‘at-call’

Brimbank’s annual kerbside hard waste collection period has been scrapped in favour of an “at call” service. From mid-2019, residents will be able to request...

Council faces hard waste call

Brimbank’s annual hard rubbish service could be drastically different in years to come. As part of its new waste, recycling and litter strategy, the council...

Hard rubbish time for Brimbank

Brimbank’s annual hard rubbish collection begins next week. This year’s hard waste collection will start on Monday, July 2 and run for six weeks, finishing...

Hard rubbish policy turns Brimbank streets into eyesores

Local streets resemble “war zones” because Brimbank council’s hard rubbish policy is vague, and people put their rubbish out too early, residents are claiming. The...


Year of low rainfall for Victoria

The Bureau of Meteorology has released its official record of Australia's climate, water, and notable weather events for 2024, revealing that rainfall was below...