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Tag: Government

Action needed on NDIS ‘anxiety’

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is being criticised for creating frustration and anxiety. Calwell MP Maria Vamvakinou raised a number of concerns about the assessment...

Guy: New plan to tackle growth pain

In November, Victorians will go to the polls and choose to re-elect the Labor Party for its second consecutive term, or bring in the...

Pledge to remove notorious intersection

  One of Sunshine’s busiest intersections will be removed if the state opposition wins power at next year’s election. Last week Opposition Leader Matthew Guy announced...

Natalie Hutchins takes leave of absence

Newly appointed Minister for women and the prevention of family violence, Natalie Hutchins, has taken a leave of absence from her ministerial and parliamentary...


Number plate theft hot spot

Brimbank is among the Victorian municipalities hardest hit by number plate thefts. According to the latest crime data, in Brimbank 1110 number plate theft reports...

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