The South Sudanese Australian National Football Association is bringing one of its biggest events to Brimbank.
This weekend, Keilor Park Recreation Reserve will play host to the association’s December tournament.
Tournament organiser Monyping Deng said the 2017 instalment is shaping up to be a high-quality spectacle.
“We’ve got 11 teams participating this year, four of them from other states,” Mr Deng said.
“There’s definitely going to be some quality football played.”
This is the second year the association has hosted the tournament.
While football is front and centre over the two-day event, Mr Deng said the tournament has a deeper focus.
“We’re trying to get the youth together and put their energy into doing something fun,” he said.
“This is a good thing for the community, it helps raise awareness of our culture and also helps with integration.”
With a fun atmosphere and some quality football on offer, Mr Deng encouraged all members of the community to attend the tournament.
“We want to reach out as a community and encourage everyone to come down and have a look,” he said.
“It’s all the younger generation of our community coming together and doing something positive.”
Play begins at 10am and runs to 6pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Admission is $5 for adults.
For more information visit: www.facebook.com/southsudanese