Continuing to amaze

Sunshine's Bobby Green. (Damjan Janevski). 260345_03

Tara Murray

The Sunshine Eagles women’s baseball team continues to amaze their coaches each week in the Baseball Victoria summer league division 3 season.

Reforming a team this season, the Eagles weren’t sure how they would go. Heading into the final round of the normal season, the Eagles sit atop the ladder.

Co-coach Mark Mark McKenner said the team continues to amaze them.

“Every week myself and [co-coach] Allan [Allan de San Miguel], would sit around after the game and be amazed at how quickly they’ve picked it up,” he said.

“We’ve had a pretty good season and we’re really happy with the way the ladies have done, considering there are seven first year players.

“Five of those players have never played sport. We have done really well.”

McKenner said they had focused on teaching the players the basics of the game. He said they had all picked up the game pretty quickly.

“Some of the new ladies are amazed at how they have picked up things.

“It’s awesome for me and Al.”

McKenner said that the hitting had been the strength of the game, with the team scoring more than 10 runs a game.

He said some players had a batting average of more than .700, with .300 normally seen as a good hitting rate.

The pitching has been held up by McKenner’s two daughters Makayla and Lily McKenner, who are both teenagers.

“That’s not normally the case in women’s baseball. It’s normally more experienced ladies.

With the success of the side so far, McKenner said the side was keen to continue the run into finals.

“A premiership is something we are striving for absolutely, but we need to get to the grand final first.”

The Eagles are set to face Werribee in the final round of the season on Saturday.