Your turn to shape the future

(Damjan Janevski) 256135_02

Brimbank council is giving residents a chance to shape the future of its community vision.

A community vision was set in 2021, outlining that by 2040, the Brimbank community will be healthy and safe and we will be united through a sense of belonging and pride.

The vision set out for the municipality to be inclusive, resilient, innovative and vibrant.

The environment was to be protected and enhanced and Brimbank’s diverse neighbourhoods and housing would offer something for everyone.

Every four years, council develops a plan that guides the work they do, and the plan sets out priorities and actions to help achieve the community vision.

Moving toward the next four years, council is focusing on 2025 to 2029 as part of its short term vision, and to continue striving to the longer term future.

Mayor Ranka Rasic said now was the perfect opportunity for the community to provide input to shape the future.

“The community’s voice is powerful, so we need and want people to tell us what’s important to them,” she said.

“With Brimbank growing in population, and our changing community needs, we want to know if council’s current vision still holds true, or if it needs to change.

“We’re asking community members to tell us what they think Brimbank should look like in the year 2050. Don’t miss out! Be part of imagining Brimbank’s future.”

Public consultation is now open and community members are invited to provide their thoughts and ideas by Monday, September 16.

Focusing on three main themes, people, place and prosperity, the vision sets out the communities’ priorities and aspirations.

The survey asks residents about their favourite parts about Brimbank, as well as what they would like to see improve. It prompts them to consider what is most important to them, and what an ideal future looks like in Brimbank.
