Women’s grassroots programs empowered

44 community and women’s organisations have received a share of $400,000 in grants to support their programs.

Jennifer Pittorino

The Braybrook community will benefit from an investment in grassroots community projects which support and empower women and improve gender equality.

Firty-four community and women’s organisations have received a share of $400,000 in grants for activities which focus on advancing gender equality, including community engagement events, leadership and training programs, community projects and advocacy efforts.

The East African Women’s Foundation was one of the successful recipients to receive up to $10,000 in grant funding as part of this program.

Recipients were selected for their ability to support women and girls in local communities from diverse age groups, backgrounds, identities and experiences, with a goal of driving progress towards gender equality in Victoria.

Laverton MP Sarah Connolly is pleased that East African Women’s Foundation will be receiving the funding for its Somali Women Shine Project.

“The East African Women’s Foundation is fantastic,” she said.

Sydenham MP Natalie Hutchins said grassroots organisations play a pivotal part in advancing gender equality in their communities.

“We all have a role to play in shaping attitudes and transforming Victoria to improve gender equality and to support and empower women and girls,” she said.

“Contributing to improving the lives of women and girls everywhere.”