Winter fun in the west

Diego Pizarro, John Utans, Judy Shelley, Yenny Fervent, Jim Kellam and Sally Walshe AKA 'Lady Mohawk' get ready for Show Your West Side. (Damjan Janevski) 420221_01

Melbourne’s west is set for a vibrant August, offering exciting events from arts, culture, food and wine to family fun.

Wine lovers can indulge themselves in the exclusive self-guided Urban Wine Wall on the streets and laneways of Footscray and Seddon on Saturday, August 31.

Choose your own adventure as you and your friends move from venue to venue tasting delicious wines thanks to an incredible line-up of winemakers. A fun and unique wine-tasting experience not to be missed

There are plenty of art events for its enthusiasts to enjoy throughout the month.

Show Your Westside: Art Prize and Exhibition returns to Footscray to celebrate and highlight artwork from local artists under the theme ‘Westside Stories’. The exhibition is on display at Footscray Community Centre until August 30.

Art lovers can also view the Chinese Restaurant Playground exhibition, also at the Footscray Community Centre, until September 15. The exhibition by Steffie Yee often-overlooked stories of Chinese migrants in Australia.

Newport’s The Substation will be home to a challenging new work from the award-winning Rawcus ensemble from August 20-24. Interior is a visual and aural spectacle about being human.

At the end of the month, the Eynesbury community market will return to town, offering a a great range of food trucks and quality stalls. It’s on August 25, from 9am to 2pm, at 479 Eynesbury Road. Dogs are welcome.