West Metro health network to benefit residents

(Towfiqu Barbhuiya/Unsplash)

Brimbank residents are expected to benefit from a better-connected health system with the establishment of Local Health Service Networks, including one consisting of Western Health and Werribee Mercy Hospital under the ‘West Metro’ umbrella.

Set up by the state government, these networks are grouped together by geographic regions and will support improved co-operation between local services, ensure doctors and specialists are available to care for patients closer to where they live, deliver clearer pathways in and out of hospital, and support better waitlist management across regions.

According to Western Health acting chief executive, adjunct professor Shane Crowe, the move will enhance local services.

“We welcome the recent announcement from the Victorian government and we look forward to collaborating within our network to further improve healthcare in the region,” he said.

“The West Metro Network has been grouped according to population growth, community need, clinical capability, and distance between services — it was also informed by the expert advisory committee that developed the health services plan and input from our leadership team here at Western Health.

“By working together more closely across the region we’ll be able to deliver greater benefits for patients.”

In early 2025, health services will come together to discuss the priorities and arrangements for their network, focusing on four key priority areas – access and flow, workforce, clinical governance, and sustainability – before networks commence operation on July 1.