Wearing hope on their sleeve

What started as a discussion on Facebook could soon become a major community project.

Dinesh Jayasuriya and Wayne Murphy are spearheading a T-shirt project designed to get Sunshine and Albion locals proud about where they live and raise some funds for charity.

“It actually all started after reports came out about a drug overdose in the area, and a few of us on Facebook were talking about what we could do about this issue,” Mr Jayasuriya said.

“Out of this came our wish to say how proud we are of our area, we like living here, some of us specifically moved to this area because we love it so much.”

The idea of creating T-shirts with designs that showcase a love of the 3020 postcode and surrounding areas was formed.

After dealing with copyright issues for designs and finding a supplier, the T-shirts (bearing Mr Murphy’s design) are now available for sale.

“This initial iteration of the idea will be about generating pride in Sunshine and the area, and we’ll see where we go from there,” Mr Jayasuriya said.

“We’d love to get local designers coming forward with their own ideas, and once we have designs we can expand from T-shirts to tote bags, baby onesies, bumper stickers, pretty much whatever we want.”

The products can be purchased from www.redbubble.com/people/sunshine3020/shop , with all profits going to charity