Vision for the future

Picture Damjan Janevski. 245319_01

Tara Murray

A beautiful, thriving, healthy and connected city are the key aspirations for Brimbank council across the next four years.

The council at its recent council meeting adopted its Together We are Brimbank plan which will be the driving force behind council decisions in the short and long term future.

More than 300 people provided feedback on the draft plan and prosperity, with small changes implemented into the final document.

Under the banner of Together we are Brimbank, are the Brimbank Community Vision 2040, Brimbank council plan for 2021 to 2025 and its municipal public health and wellbeing plan.

As part of the Together we are Brimbank plan the council included a year one action plan.

Among the aims for the first year include providing a detailed report into mental health service provision and the needs for the community, creating opportunities to support newly engaged communities to engage in physical activity, delivering a series of events and activities in consultation to educate and engage the community about safety, develop the Brimbank disability action plan (2021 – 2025), continue strategic pedestrian and cycling network improvements and completing the new Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre.

Brimbank Mayor Ranka Rasic said Together We are Brimbank will be the council’s road map for making Brimbank an even better place to live, work and play.

“The things that are most important to residents are the foundation of the plan,” she said.

“This plan is important because it brings together our community’s key aspirations. And it outlines how council will work to achieve the vision of a transformed Brimbank.

“Our changing and growing population means we have to carefully plan for services and infrastructure to meet future needs.”